Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia

'On Sri Lankan Monastic Titles'
News, Article TBCM News, Article TBCM

'On Sri Lankan Monastic Titles'

‘ … Presently, neither Malaysia nor Singapore has a national organisation comprising all local Buddhist monks. Therefore, there has never been any consensus for a monk to be appointed or elected as the “Head of the Monastic Community in Malaysia and Singapore”.

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Why “One Beat Slow”?
News, Article TBCM News, Article TBCM

Why “One Beat Slow”?

The Phenomenon of Post-Retreat Slow-Wittedness Disorder

ĀYASMĀ KUMĀRA demystifies the commonly encountered phenomenon of slow thinking after an intensive meditation retreat. Besides explaining why it should be avoided and how he also makes a case for proper use of thinking in the practice.

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