Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia

What is Theravada Buddhism?

What is Theravada Buddhism?

Theravada (pronounced — more or less — "terra-VAH-dah"), the "Doctrine of the Elders," is the school of Buddhism that draws its scriptural inspiration from the Tipitaka, or Pali canon, which scholars generally agree contains the earliest surviving record of the Buddha's teachings. For many centuries, Theravada has been the predominant religion of continental Southeast Asia (Thailand, Myanmar/Burma, Cambodia, and Laos) and Sri Lanka. Today Theravada Buddhists number well over 100 million worldwide. In recent decades Theravada has begun to take root in the West.

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Dhamma Propagation John Lee Dhamma Propagation John Lee

Sangha Day Interview with Āyasmā Aggacitta

On 21 November 2021, we were honoured to host Āyasmā Aggacitta Mahāthera for a special interview held in conjunction with Sangha Day B.E. 2565 Observance. The interview was the first of a two-part programme featuring Ven. Aggacitta Mahāthera and Ven. Ajahn Jayasaro.

In this interview, we learned about the aspects of strengthening our spiritual practice even amidst today’s challenges. The interview was conducted by Bro. Ananda Fong, Director of Pustaka Nalanda.

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Dhamma Propagation, Dhamma Activities Editor SCS TBCM Dhamma Propagation, Dhamma Activities Editor SCS TBCM

8th International Conference on Pali & Buddhism

8th International Conference on Pāli & Buddhism

with special reference to “𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝐁𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐤𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐢 Sangha: Past, Present, and Future”

In Commemoration of 25 Years of Revival of Bhikkhuni Order in Modern Era (1996-2021)

Asia dates: 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕-𝟏𝟗, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏

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Dhamma talks by Bhante Dhammavuddho
Dhamma Propagation, Sutta TBCM Dhamma Propagation, Sutta TBCM

Dhamma talks by Bhante Dhammavuddho

Many of the audios and videos found on this page are the result of late Luangpor Dhammavuddho’s thousands of hours of study and practice of the Buddha’s Words found in the Sutta and Vinaya.

Luangpor Dhammavuddho has enlivened these Suttas in his talks and made the Dhamma strikingly accessible.  The Buddha’s teachings found in the Suttas are invaluable, and no amount of gold can come close to its worth!

The gems are found here, especially in the Sutta talks.  Herein lies the heartwood, so to speak.

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