Vinaya : 'Ownership and Administration of Monasteries'


Vinaya : 'Ownership and Administration of Monasteries'
by Ajahn Brahmavamso'In the time of the Buddha, when a lay Buddhist offered lands of buildings, or money for such things, to establish a monastery, they would dedicate it to The Sangha of the Four Quarters Present and Yet to Come. The Sangha of the four quarters present and yet to come means ALL properly ordained monks and nuns. This would include all legitimate Buddhist monks and nuns, of all nationalities and sects. ....'A scene where Anāthapiṇḍika (Sudatta) makes payment of gold coins laid out onto Jeta Grove, Sāvatthi, in the Kingdom of Kosala'The administrators of the monastery were those monks or nuns who lived there. They would meet regularly to make any decisions concerning their monastery and all such decisions had to be unanimous. But there are many rules of Vinaya which restrict what the resident monastics may do, in order to safeguard the monastery from corrupt monks. ...''In large monasteries, and some had thousands of monks and nuns, the community would delegate some of its responsibilities to competent monks and nuns. Thus there would be a monk in charge of allocating lodgings, and one in charge of building and maintenance. ...'- Read it here: (BSWA Newsletter, October-December 1995)- Picture : A scene where Anāthapiṇḍika (Sudatta) makes payment of gold coins laid out onto Jeta Grove, Sāvatthi, in the Kingdom of Kosala, to purchase the Grove from Prince Jeta. After the purchase, Anāthapiṇḍika built the famed Jetavana Monastery, where the Buddha spent 25 rains.- Published on TBCM's Facebook here ... Posted by CFFong


Vinaya : 'Monks and Money'


'Vinaya' : The body of monastic rules and traditions