Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia

Gotama path to Buddhahood
Āyasmā Aggacitta cites passages from the Pāli suttas to highlight several misconceptions about Gotama's search for awakening and the nature of the jhānas and āruppas. As usual his well structured arguments are solidly based on the Pāli suttas and practical experience, with significant impact on Dhamma practice.

Guided Open Awareness Meditation Videos
Scroll below for videos on Guided Open Awareness Meditation recorded during the 2-Day *Saṅkhāra in Theory & Practice Workshop*
Online Sutta Study and Meditation Workshop with Āyasmā Aggacitta, Founder & Spiritual Director of Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary.
Organised and hosted by: SJBA & BUBs in March 2021

Dependent Origination in Early Buddhism
Dependent Origination is a profound explanation of how life works at the core of the Buddha’s Teachings. Ajahn Brahmali and Ajahn Sujato offers this practical and easy to understand overview of the teaching on Dependent Origination based on the early Buddhist text.

Chinese New Year 2021 Message by Ayasma Aggacitta
Wishing everyone a happy and hopeful Chinese New Year imbibed with the spirit of the ox.

Stream Entry : Sotāpatti
'Calm is his thought,
calm his speech, and
calm his deed,
who, truly knowing,
is wholly freed,
perfectly tranquil and wise.'
- Dhammapada Verse 96

"How to Practice Mindfulness in Daily Life"
A Dhamma Sharing
by Āyasmā Aggacittaon 8 July 2017
at Buddhist Gem Fellowship, Selangor.

Asalha Puja ("Dhamma Day")
Asalha Puja commemorates the Buddha's first teaching: 'the Turning of the Wheel of Dhamma' (Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta) to the five ascetics at the Deer Park (Sarnath) near Benares, India, on the full moon day of the 8th lunar month according to the old Indian calendar.

Finding True Refuge
A Dhamma Sharing
by Venerable Pannavati Bhikkhunion
' Finding True Refuge '(a short video).
Venerable Pannavati Bhikkhuni is the Co-Abbot of Embracing Simplicity Buddhist Hermitage in North Carolina. She discusses how meditation was a paradigm shift that helped her master her emotions. Her first taste of meditation gave her doubts about the practice, but her persistence was rewarded by a profound change in her view of her life.

Why Meditate ~ 4 Kinds of Happiness
Ayya Khema was born in Berlin in 1923 to Jewish parents. In 1938, she escaped from Germany with two hundred other children and was taken to Glasgow, Scotland. Her parents went to China and, two years later Ayya Khema joined them in Shanghai. With the outbreak of the war, however, the family was put into a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp and it was here her father died. She later married, had a son and a daughter, and now has four grandchildren.