Why “One Beat Slow”?

The Phenomenon of Post-Retreat Slow-Wittedness Disorder

ĀYASMĀ KUMĀRA demystifies the commonly encountered phenomenon of slow thinking after an intensive meditation retreat. Besides explaining why it should be avoided and how, he also makes a case for proper use of thinking in the practice.

Monk Meditating

Monk Meditating

When I was on a Dhamma tour in Sarawak in April 2013, different people in different places asked me this same question: Why is it that after a retreat my thinking becomes slower? In Chinese, one of them described her situation as being 慢一拍, literally “one beat slow”. In this state, the mind is somewhat thick, somewhat confused. Loss of memory may also occur. Malaysians may describe it as blur-blur, or in Hokkien gong-gong. ...

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About Āyasmā Kumāra :Āyasmā Kumāra was ordained in 1999 at the age of 27. With his training in education, he has been sharing the Dhamma in various ways and in several languages (mainly English, Mandarin and Hokkien) with Buddhists of various traditions and non-Buddhists too.

left Sayadaw U Tejaniya right Bhante Kumara

left Sayadaw U Tejaniya right Bhante Kumara

Inspired by his main meditation teacher, Sayadaw U Tejaniya, Āyasmā Kumāra has been especially interested in spiritual teachings that show how to cultivate wisdom that removes the causes of suffering. Influenced by Āyasmā Aggacitta Mahāthera, he is open to Dhamma teachings beyond orthodoxy and tradition, so long as they work towards the true ending of suffering.

- Posted by CFFong


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