Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia

ORDER a set of the Buddha’s words (4 Nikaya’s)
Theravāda Buddhist Council of Malaysia and Vihara Buddha Gotama (VBG) is jointly publishing a set of 4 Nikayas (Digha, Majjhima, Samyutta & Anguttara) for Free distribution. These editions are translated by Bhante Sujato from Australia.

Majjhima Nikāya
The Middle-length Discourses
The Majjhima Nikāya, or "Middle-length Discourses" of the Buddha, is the second of the five nikāyas (collections) of the Sutta Pitaka.
This nikāya consists of 152 discourses by the Buddha and his chief disciples, which together constitute a comprehensive body of teaching concerning all aspects of the Buddha's teachings.