ORDER a set of the Buddha’s words (4 Nikaya’s)

Dear devotees,

If you would like a set of the Nikaya's,

Please fill up this google form


This is a good opportunity for the Buddhists to own a set of 4 Nikayas.
Please take the opportunity to order for your organisation’s library and your members.
Limit to 1 set per householder so it will benefit more Buddhists and 15 sets for Member Organisations.

Please fill in the Google Form to order. Once we receive a show of interest for 500 sets, TBCM will proceed with the printing.

Please Whatsapp TBCM office at 011-1712 0134 if you have any question.

#Nikaya #tbcm #suttacentral #buddhateaching #theravadabuddhistcouncilofmalaysia


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