11th Anniversary of the passing of Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Mahā Thera


Commemorating the 11th Anniversary (on 31 August 2017)of the passing of Ven. Dr. K. Sri DhammanandaNāyaka Mahā Thera (18 Mar 1918 - 31 August 2006).Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda  Nāyaka Mahā Thera About Chief:Chief, as Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammanada, a household name in the Buddhist world, was fondly known. In more than forty two years as incumbent of the Buddhist Maha Vihara, Malaysia, the Venerable has brought the Buddha Word to countless numbers of devotees who otherwise would have has no access to the sublime message of the Enlightened OneBesides his talks the Venerable has been able to reach an even wider audience through his publications which range from the voluminous "Dhammapada" to little five page pamphlets. He has been able to reached all levels of readers from erudite scholar monks to young school children. His whole approach to the exposition of the Dhamma is governed by his deep concern for giving the ancient teachings a contemporary relevance, to show that the Sublime Message is timeless and has a meaning that cuts across the boundaries of time, space, race, culture and even religious beliefs.- Source: www.buddhanet.net/ven_d.htm---Dhamma Sharing (ebook)on 'Religion In a Multi-Religious Society'Download at this link .. www.dhammikaweb.com/pdfs/RELIGION-IN-A-MULTI-RELIGIOUS-SOCIETY-edited.pdfAbout 'Religion In a Multi-Religious Society':The teachings and messages of the founders of world religions were primarily aimed at alleviating sufferings and bringing peace and happiness to mankind through the application of moral and ethical conduct and righteous living.However, world religions today have developed into massive organised impersonal institutions with the result that the original teachings of their respective founders have been so eroded or neglected that hardly any influence is left over their followers particularly in the field of simplicity, restraint, truthfulness and selflessness.The moral content of religion and its peace-promoting spiritual values are clouded by the more attractive materialistic values. Many followers of world religions have ignored or slighted the injunctions of their religious teachers in order to seek power, fame and other material gains for their personal aggrandisements. That tend to pollute the minds of modern religionists and cause unhealthy competitions and barriers amongst different religious groups as well as within the same religious community.This booklet was published with the hope to enlighten the public and other fellow religionists to work in peace and harmony with one another so as to effectively promote and maintain moral discipline and a proper sense of religious values amongst their respective adherents.---Dhamma Sharingon 'Faith & Belief in Buddhism'.Follow this link (Video) ... https://youtu.be/N1036V-NVSg or(Audio) ... https://archive.org/details/TalksbyDrDhammanada/Faith+%26+Belief+in+Buddhism+-+Ven.+Dr.+K.+Sri+Dhammananda.mp3---'What Buddhists Believe'Download at this link ... www.buddhanet.net/pdf_file/whatbelieve.pdf---"What Buddhists Believe" - a course on the fundamental concepts of Buddhism over 9 consecutive Thursdays, beginning 3rd August 2017.This course is based on the book of the same title, written by our late chief Ven K. Sri Dhammananda Nayaka Thero. As such, participants are encouraged to read this book prior to attending, to get a better understanding.To participate, please register with Sister Lily at SJBA Officeat Lot PT 12593,Jalan Kewajipan, SS13Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysiaor Call SJBA at 03-5634 8181 .- Posted by CFFong


Merdeka & Malaysia Day 2017 Message


Avijjā : Ignorance