Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia

Happy Birthday Āyasmā Aggacitta
Happy Birthday Bhante Aggacitta, We hope you live a long, healthy life and accomplish all of your goals. with Metta, TBCM Council Members

As part of Āyasmā Aggacitta Dhamma tour 2025, a Sutta Study with Meditation Workshop is being organised.

MAS Retreat at Ken House, experience sharing
Fraser Hill Mindfulness Awareness & Serenity Retreat (MASR)

Mindfulness Awareness & Serenity Retreat (MASR) at Fraser Hill
Fraser Hill Mindfulness Awareness & Serenity Retreat (MASR) registration link

In 1994 while I was staying in Shwe Taungong Paṇḍitārāma, Yangon, I wrote an article in answer to a question posed by a Malaysian nun, Sister Vivekanandī, who was then meditating there. It was later published in 1995 as a booklet by Buddhist Wisdom Centre, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, entitled Cessation Experiences and the Notion of Enlightenment: Tentative Findings of a Preliminary Research.

Gotama path to Buddhahood
Āyasmā Aggacitta cites passages from the Pāli suttas to highlight several misconceptions about Gotama's search for awakening and the nature of the jhānas and āruppas. As usual his well structured arguments are solidly based on the Pāli suttas and practical experience, with significant impact on Dhamma practice.

Guided Open Awareness Meditation Videos
Scroll below for videos on Guided Open Awareness Meditation recorded during the 2-Day *Saṅkhāra in Theory & Practice Workshop*
Online Sutta Study and Meditation Workshop with Āyasmā Aggacitta, Founder & Spiritual Director of Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary.
Organised and hosted by: SJBA & BUBs in March 2021
Sangha Day Interview with Āyasmā Aggacitta
On 21 November 2021, we were honoured to host Āyasmā Aggacitta Mahāthera for a special interview held in conjunction with Sangha Day B.E. 2565 Observance. The interview was the first of a two-part programme featuring Ven. Aggacitta Mahāthera and Ven. Ajahn Jayasaro.
In this interview, we learned about the aspects of strengthening our spiritual practice even amidst today’s challenges. The interview was conducted by Bro. Ananda Fong, Director of Pustaka Nalanda.
Pali English Recitation book
In the discourses the Buddha is often depicted taking up the topic of recitation when explaining to monks the proper way to learn the teachings, and make these teachings the vessel within which their own wisdom can grow.
Kathina ceremony (Robes offering)
“Kathina” in Pali refers to the wooden frame which monks in ancient India used to sew their clothes on. The clothes thus prepared came to be known as Kathina clothes. On the Kathina frame the cloth could be stretched for cutting or sewing. Such a device was an aid to unskilled monks who made their robes from cast-off scraps of cloth which they cut with a knife.

Chinese New Year 2021 Message by Ayasma Aggacitta
Wishing everyone a happy and hopeful Chinese New Year imbibed with the spirit of the ox.