Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia
Kathina ceremony (Robes offering)
“Kathina” in Pali refers to the wooden frame which monks in ancient India used to sew their clothes on. The clothes thus prepared came to be known as Kathina clothes. On the Kathina frame the cloth could be stretched for cutting or sewing. Such a device was an aid to unskilled monks who made their robes from cast-off scraps of cloth which they cut with a knife.

Chinese New Year 2021 Message by Ayasma Aggacitta
Wishing everyone a happy and hopeful Chinese New Year imbibed with the spirit of the ox.

"How to Practice Mindfulness in Daily Life"
A Dhamma Sharing
by Āyasmā Aggacittaon 8 July 2017
at Buddhist Gem Fellowship, Selangor.