Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia

A Message to Theravāda Buddhists by Kumara Bhikkhu 给上座部佛教徒的信息
It’s amazing how traditions tend to obscure the very teachings they claim to uphold. This phenomenon is seen in all long-established faiths or religions. 令人惊奇的是,传统派系往往会掩盖它们所声称要维护的教义。这种现象出现在所有历史悠久的信仰或宗教中。

Why “One Beat Slow”?
The Phenomenon of Post-Retreat Slow-Wittedness Disorder
ĀYASMĀ KUMĀRA demystifies the commonly encountered phenomenon of slow thinking after an intensive meditation retreat. Besides explaining why it should be avoided and how he also makes a case for proper use of thinking in the practice.