TBCM Workshop @ Nalanda on 1st Sept 2013


TBCM_Workshop@Nalanda_1Sep2013 b NalandaThe Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) Executive Committee met at Nalanda Centre yesterday for a special workshop to chart the Council’s future strategic direction in the immediate to medium-term.TBCM_Workshop@Nalanda_1Sep2013 b Nalanda 4Chairing the 10am to 5pm workshop was TBCM President Bro. Chim Siew Choon. It was attended by the Council’s Deputy President Bro. Kung Kok Chye, Honorary Secretary Bro. Ananda Fong, Honorary Treasurer Bro. Teoh Tiang Kwang, and Councillors Bro. K Don Premaseri, Sis. Paruadi Ramasamy, Bro. Lim Boon Hang, and Sis. Liang Mei Ling.TBCM_Workshop@Nalanda_1Sep2013 b Nalanda 3TBCM’s Monastic Advisor Ayasma Dhammavuddho Mahathero and Nalanda Founder Dr. Tan Ho Soon were also invited, attended the workshop. TBCM’s Monastic Advisor Ayasma Aggacitta Mahathero who was also invited was unable to attend, forwarded his thoughts on issues of importance. All Councillors participated actively in the day-long discussion with much enthusiasm and camaraderie.TBCM_Workshop@Nalanda_1Sep2013 b Nalanda 2The productive and fruitful workshop ended with everyone in high-spirits, as Councillors are now united by a common vision for the future of Malaysian Theravada community. As Ayasma Dhammavuddho Mahathero happily concluded in his closing remarks, “We have a Dream"! * Note : All of the photos and most of the write up is courtesy of Nalanda Buddhist Society. The original post is at ...  www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151684223423401.1073741912.174964163400&type=1 .- Posted by CFFong 


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Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) wishes all Malaysians Selamat Menyambut Ulang Tahun Kemerdekaan ke-56 Malaysia ke-50