Rathavinīta Sutta (The Relay Chariots) by Bhante Gunaratana


Dhamma Talkby Bhante Gunaratanaon Rathavinīta Sutta (The Relay Chariots) MN 24Rathavinīta Sutta (The Relay Chariots) MN 24In this sutta, Majjhima Nikaya 24 (The Relay Chariots), the seven stages of purification leading to the attainment of enlightenment are discussed. Venerable Punna Mantaniputta and Venerable Sariputta discuss the seven stages of purification and show how each stage is linked to the following one like a series of relay chariots which lead to the final goal of the holy life, Nibbana.The Seven Stages of Purification1 Purification of Virtue2 Purification of Mind3 Purification of View4 Purification by Overcoming Doubt5 Purification by Knowledge and Vision of What is Path and Not-Path6 Purification by Knowledge and Vision of the Way7 Purification by Knowledge and Vision- Source with Elaboration here ... www.leighb.com/7sop16ik.htmGo to this link for the Dhamma Talk by Bhante Gunaratana ...www.youtube.com/watch?v=izlbWAqhHzg&feature=youtu.becourtesy of Bhavana Society.Read the Rathavinīta Sutta MN 24 in full here ...www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/mn/mn.024.than.htmlAbout Bhante GunaratanaBhante Henepola Gunaratana is the founding abbot of the Bhavana Society. Born in rural Sri Lanka, he has been a monk since age 12 and took full ordination at age 20 in 1947. He came to the United States in 1968. “Bhante G” (as he is fondly called by his students) has written a number of books, including the now-classic meditation manual Mindfulness In Plain English and its companion Eight Mindful Steps to Happiness. Bhante G regularly leads retreats on vipassana, mindfulness, metta (Loving-friendliness), concentration, and other topics both at the Bhavana Society and elsewhere.Bhante Gunaratana is an internationally recognized author and meditation teacher. Prior to coming to the United States, he spent five years doing in missionary work with the Harijanas (Untouchables) of India and ten years in Malaysia. He has taught in a number of settings, including American University of Washington DC where he served as Buddhist chaplain and the Buddhist Vihara of Washington DC, where he served as president. Bhante G has a strong scholarly background and livelong commitment to dhamma.In 1985 Bhante G co-founded the Bhavana Society and became its abbot. He wanted to teach meditation in an environment allowing for longer retreats and intense practice free from the trappings of a city vihara. He continues to teach in the direct, compassionate style that characterizes his books and articles. Bhante G conveys a well-rounded approach to Buddhist Dhamma, touching on all aspects of the Noble Eightfold Path. He emphasizes metta bhavana (the cultivation of loving-friendliness) as a basis for samma-samadhi, or right concentration. As a teacher, he is known for his emphasis both on samadhi and on metta as part of spiritual training.In 1996, Bhante G received the title of Chief Sangha Nayaka Thera for North America. This acknowledged his status as highest-ranking monk of his sect in the United States and Canada. In 2003, his autobiography, Journey to Mindfulness, was published. In 2005, the Sri Henepola Gunaratana Scholarship Trust was founded under his guidance. This trust provides educations for poverty stricken children in rural Sri Lanka.Bhante G continues to write articles, lead retreats, and teach at the Bhavana Society and all over the world.- Source : http://bhavanasociety.org/teacher/bhante_henepola_gunaratana- This has been post on TBCM's FB here ... www.facebook.com/tbcm.org.my/photos/a.348973561847973.79180.348962045182458/832225846856073/?type=1- Posted by CFFong


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