Notice of TBCM 8th Annual General Meeting 2019


Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia

(Reg. No. : PPM-020210-090052012)

(Lot 12593, Jalan Kewajipan, SS13, 47500 Subang Jaya, Tel: 03-56348181)


Notice of  Annual General Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 8th Annual General Meeting of the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) to be held at/on.

Date: 22 June 2019, Saturday

Time: 9:30am (Registration opens at 9:00am)

Venue: Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple, Lot 85, Jalan Sentul, 51000 Kuala Lumpur.AGENDA

  1. Observance of Five Precepts, administered by Ven. Datuk K Sri Dhammaratana Nayaka Maha Thera followed by monastic advice to TBCM’s AGM participants,

  2. Presentation of Certificate of Membership (for new members) by Ven. B Sri Saranankara Nayaka Maha Thera,

  3. Welcome Address by TBCM President, Bro Tan Leng Huat,

  4. To read and confirm the Minutes of the Previous AGM on June 2018,

  5. To receive and adopt the Annual Report April 2018 to April 2019,

  6. To receive and adopt the Audited Statement of Accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 2018,

  7. To discuss any other matter(s) of which seven (7) clear days notice shall have been given in writing to the Hon. Secretary-General.

After the AGM , all participants are invited to attend the official launching of the d'CRADLE, an important initiative by the TBCM to develop Buddhist Leaders for the future. The official launch of TBCM’s initiate – d’CRADLE by Ven. B Sri Saranankara Nayaka Maha Thera and the Presentation of Certificates to d’CRABLE Management Team. Presentation by the d’CRADLE Director on its progress.

NOTICE of AGM 2019 details in pdf formatAn email of the AGM had been sent to the secretariat of TBCM Buddhist members. If you have not receive it, please email to

Yours In-the-Dhamma,

Lee Kok ChengHon.

Secretary-General of Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia

-posted by Dd Terence Seow


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