
NATIONAL DAY & MALAYSIA DAY 2015Fellow Brothers & Sisters in the Dhamma,This year, we are celebrating our country’s 58th National Day & the 52nd Malaysia Day. Thousands of people gathered in Merdeka Stadium on Merdeka Day in 1957 to celebrate Malaya’s independence from the British colonial rule. There were lots of hopes for a brighter future for the country.Today we still have lots of hopes for our country despite the many issues the country is facing. The value of the our Malaysian Ringgit has weakened considerably, market conditions are shaky, costs of living are going up, some people are losing their jobs and the political situation is uncertain. Many people are not happy. Times are tough but as the saying goes, tough times don’t last but tough people do. Some resort to tough actions to tackle the tough situations. Whatever actions we may take to change for the better, it’s good to maintain a wholesome mind. Fill our mind with loving-kindness, compassion, altruistic joy and equanimity for a better world around us. The Buddha said, “Mind is the forerunner of all states. Mind is chief, mind-made are they. If one speaks or acts with a pure mind, happiness will follow one like a shadow that never leaves (Dhammapada v.2). With the power of our wholesome actions and with the blessings of the Three Jewels, may we overcome all difficulties and be well and happy!During challenging times, we need to better understand how to strengthen our respective organizations to grow and not to decline, in enhancing our Dhammaduta work. In the Mahā Parinibbāna Sutta, the Buddha mentioned seven conditions needed for growth, instead of decline as follows:(1) To assemble frequently and have frequent meetings(2) To meet in unity, rise in unity and perform duties in unity(3) To act in accordance with the prescribed rules & laws(4) To support, respect, venerate and honor the elders(5) To respect the womenfolk(6) To support, respect, venerate, and honor the places of worship(7) To support the ArahantsThis advice by the Buddha is very relevant for us to lead and manage our respective organizations to grow during challenging times. We look forward to you sharing with us how you grow your organization further for the good, welfare and happiness of the many.Once again, we thank you for your support in helping to unite the Buddhist community in the propagation and prolongation of the Buddha Sāsana.May You Be Well & Happy!Happy National Day & Malaysia Day.With Mettā,TBCM Exco30th August 2015- This message has also appeared in TBCM's FB here ...




The purpose of this holy life