Flood Relief for Penang & Kedah


" .. if beings knew, as I know, the result of giving and sharing, they would not eat without having given, nor would they allow the stain of meanness to obsess them and take root in their minds ..."- Itivuttaka 26 : GivingFlood Relief for Penang & Kedah⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Brothers & Sisters in the Dhamma,Penang and Kedah has experienced severe floods over the last few days under continuous heavy rain.This is the time they need your compassion in action.Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) and Malaysian Buddhist Association (MBA) are jointly coordinating a flood relief campaign amongst its member organisations and the public to collect aid to assist the flood victims.Kindly Bank-in contributions to' Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia 'at CIMB Bank Bhd. Account no.: 8000724070and then WhatsApp the photograph of the bank-in slip marked with your name or your organisation's name, and "Flood Relief for Penang & Kedah"to +6016-9284 514 by end November 2017.More here ...www.facebook.com/tbcm.org.my/photos/a.348973561847973.79180.348962045182458/1528224727256178/?type=3&theaterSādhu Sādhu Sādhu


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