Again & Again by Ven Dr K Sri Dhammananda

dr k sri dhammananda again and againaudio image

Dhammapada Verse 118. Accumulated Merit Leads To Happiness

If one should some merit makedo it again and again.One should wish for it anewfor merit grows to joy.

Explanation: A person may do some meritorious activity. He must keep on repeating it, over and over. He must take delight in that meritorious action. Accumulation of merit leads to happiness.

Dhammapada Verse 122. Merit Grows Little By Little

Think lightly not of goodness,‘It will not come to me’,for by the falling of water dropsa water jar is filled.The sage with goodness fills himself,he soaks up little by little.

Explanation: Some tend to think that virtue can be taken lightly, and that virtue practiced is not likely to bring about any spectacular good results. This view is not quite correct. The good done by an individual accumulates little by little. The process is very much like the filling of a water-pot, drop by drop. As time goes on, the little acts of virtue accumulate, until the doer of good is totally filled with it.



Four Worldly Duties by Ven Dr K Sri Dhammananda


Don't worry, BE HAPPY