A Person of Integrity


'It's easy to seethe errors of others,but hard to seeyour own.You winnow like chaffthe errors of others,but conceal your own —like a cheat, an unlucky throw.'Sudassaṃ vajjamaññesaṃ attano pana duddasaṃParesaṃ hi so vajjāni opuṇāti yathā bhūsaṃAttano pana chādeti kaliṃ'va kitavā saṭho.- Dhammapada Verse 252'If you focus on the errors of others,constantly finding fault,your effluents flourish.You're far from their ending.'Paravajjānupassissa niccaṃ ujjhānasaññinoĀsavā tassa vaḍḍhanti ārā so āsavakkhayā.- Dhammapada Verse 253A Person of Integrity"Monks, a person endowed with these four qualities can be known as 'a person of no integrity.' Which four?"There is the case where a person of no integrity, when unasked, reveals another person's bad points, to say nothing of when asked. Furthermore, when asked, when pressed with questions, he is one who speaks of another person's bad points in full & in detail, without omission, without holding back. Of this person you may know, 'This venerable one is a person of no integrity.'"Then again, a person of no integrity, when asked, does not reveal another person's good points, to say nothing of when unasked. Furthermore, when asked, when pressed with questions, he is one who speaks of another person's good points not in full, not in detail, with omissions, holding back. Of this person you may know, 'This venerable one is a person of no integrity.'"Then again, a person of no integrity, when asked, does not reveal his own bad points, to say nothing of when unasked. Furthermore, when asked, when pressed with questions, he is one who speaks of his own bad points not in full, not in detail, with omissions, holding back. Of this person you may know, 'This venerable one is a person of no integrity.'"Then again, a person of no integrity, when unasked, reveals his own good points, to say nothing of when asked. Furthermore, when asked, when pressed with questions, he is one who speaks of his own good points in full & in detail, without omissions, without holding back. Of this person you may know, 'This venerable one is a person of no integrity.'"Monks, a person endowed with these four qualities can be known as 'a person of no integrity.'"Now, a person endowed with these four qualities can be known as 'a person of integrity.' Which four?"There is the case where a person of integrity, when asked, does not reveal another person's bad points, to say nothing of when unasked. Furthermore, when asked, when pressed with questions, he is one who speaks of another person's bad points not in full, not in detail, with omissions, holding back. Of this person you may know, 'This venerable one is a person of integrity.'"Then again, a person of integrity, when unasked, reveals another person's good points, to say nothing of when asked. Furthermore, when asked, when pressed with questions, he is one who speaks of another person's good points in full & in detail, without omissions, without holding back. Of this person you may know, 'This venerable one is a person of integrity.'"Then again, a person of integrity, when unasked, reveals his own bad points, to say nothing of when asked. Furthermore, when asked, when pressed with questions, he is one who speaks of his own bad points in full & in detail, without omissions, without holding back. Of this person you may know, 'This venerable one is a person of integrity.'"Then again, a person of integrity, when asked, does not reveal his own good points, to say nothing of when unasked. Furthermore, when asked, when pressed with questions, he is one who speaks of his own good points not in full, not in detail, with omissions, holding back. Of this person you may know, 'This venerable one is a person of integrity.'"Monks, a person endowed with these four qualities can be known as 'a person of integrity.'"- Sappurisa Sutta: A Person of Integrity AN 4.73- Source : www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/an/an04/an04.073.than.html- This post has been published on TBCM's Facebook here ...www.facebook.com/tbcm.org.my/photos/pb.348962045182458.-2207520000.1455758542./857631904315467/?type=3&theater- Posted by CFFong


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