A New Beginning


A New Beginning,a new Opportunityon the Path to Deathlessness.Appamādo amatapadaṃpamādo maccuno padaṃAppamattā na mīyanti ye pamattā yathā matā.Heedfulness is the path to the Deathless.Heedlessness is the path to death.The heedful die not. The heedless are as if dead already.- Dhammapada Verse 21A New Beginning'Now at that time the wanderer Sañjaya was residing in Rajagaha with a large company of wanderers — 250 in all. And at that time Sariputta and Moggallana were practicing the holy life under Sañjaya. They had made this agreement: Whoever attains the Deathless first will inform the other.''Then Ven. Assaji, arising early in the morning, taking his robe and bowl, entered Rajagaha for alms: gracious in the way he approached and departed, looked forward and behind, drew in and stretched out his arm; his eyes downcast, his every movement consummate. Sariputta the wanderer saw Ven. Assaji going for alms in Rajagaha: gracious... his eyes downcast, his every movement consummate. On seeing him, the thought occurred to him: "Surely, of those in this world who are arahants or have entered the path to arahantship, this is one. What if I were to approach him and question him: 'On whose account have you gone forth? Or who is your teacher? Or in whose Dhamma do you delight?'" ''Then Ven. Assaji, having gone for alms in Rajagaha, left, taking his alms. Then Sariputta the wanderer approached him and, on arrival, exchanged courteous greetings with him. After an exchange of friendly greetings & courtesies, he stood to one side. As he was standing there he said, "Bright are your faculties, my friend, pure your complexion, and clear. On whose account have you gone forth? Or who is your teacher? Or in whose Dhamma do you delight?" '' "There is, my friend, the Great Contemplative, a son of the Sakyans, gone forth from a Sakyan family. I have gone forth on account of that Blessed One. That Blessed One is my teacher. And it is in that Blessed One's Dhamma that I delight." '' "But what is your teacher's teaching? What does he proclaim?''"I am new, my friend, not long gone forth, only recently come to this Dhamma & Discipline. I cannot explain the Dhamma in detail, but I will tell you the gist in brief."Then Sariputta the wanderer spoke thus to the Ven. Assaji:Speak a little or a lot,but tell me just the gist.The gist is what I want.What use is a lot of verbosity?Then Ven. Assaji gave this Dhamma exposition to Sariputta the Wanderer:Whatever phenomena arise from cause:their cause& their cessation.Such is the teaching of the Tathagata,the Great Contemplative.Then to Sariputta the wanderer, as he heard this Dhamma exposition, there arose the dustless, stainless Dhamma eye: "Whatever is subject to origination is all subject to cessation."Even if just this is the Dhamma,you have penetratedto the Sorrowless (asoka) Stateunseen, overlooked (by us)for many myriads of aeons.''Then Sariputta the wanderer went to Moggallana the wanderer.' ..'Then to Moggallana the wanderer, as he heard this Dhamma exposition, there arose the dustless, stainless Dhamma eye: Whatever is subject to origination is all subject to cessation.'- Source : www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/vin/mv/mv.01.23.01-10.than.html---Dhamma Sharing (Audio) by Ajahn Viradhammo'Path To The Deathless' here ..http://mp3lee.com/en/index.php?q=Ajahn+Viradhammo+-+Path+To+The+Deathless---Dhamma book'Mindfulness The Path to the Deathless'by Ajahn Sumedho, here ...www.abhayagiri.org/books/mindfulness-the-path-to-the-deathlessalso here ...www.buddhanet.net/pdf_file/deathless.pdf- This post was published on TBCM's Facebook here ...www.facebook.com/tbcm.org.my/photos/pb.348962045182458.-2207520000.1456034451./927490937329563/?type=3&theater- Posted by CFFong


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