Theravāda Buddhist Council
of Malaysia
Sambutan Perayaan Hari Wesak 2025
Selangor Vesak celebration 2025
2025 雪兰莪州 卫塞节庆典
We wish to invite you to register for the one-day Insight Dialogue Meditation Workshop, jointly
organized by Subang Jaya Budddhist Association (SJBA) and Theravada Buddhist Council of
Malaysia Dhammaduta Portfolio (TBCM-DP).
It's time for Change, leaving insecurities behind.
The Year of the Snake can be a time for change and putting insecurities behind.
Happy Birthday Bhante Aggacitta, We hope you live a long, healthy life and accomplish all of your goals. with Metta, TBCM Council Members
As part of Āyasmā Aggacitta Dhamma tour 2025, a Sutta Study with Meditation Workshop is being organised.
TBCM council members offer our warmest wishes to our Monastic Advisory Panel, most Venerable B Sri Saranankara Nāyaka Mahāthera on his birthday today. His 40 years of selfless commitment, compassion and contributions to the Buddhist community in Malaysia has enabled its continued strengthening for the well-being of many.
To all Buddhists friends,
As we celebrate Merdeka Day, let’s not forget how fortunate we are to live in a country that is harmonious and peaceful.
We owe this to a just and caring King, good governance and the peace loving rakyat.
List of Temples or Societies (Malaysia) holding Kathina in 2024
Theravāda Buddhist Council of Malaysia and Vihara Buddha Gotama (VBG) is jointly publishing a set of 4 Nikayas (Digha, Majjhima, Samyutta & Anguttara) for Free distribution. These editions are translated by Bhante Sujato from Australia.
Fraser Hill Mindfulness Awareness & Serenity Retreat (MASR)